Friday 18 December 2009

Email challenge entry!

We have our first email entry and it's by Amber! Thank you Amber for joining in our very first challenge your card is great.

Morgan x

Monday 14 December 2009

Someone has been a busy bee!!

Alexis finally got a move on with her christmas cards and was sealing the envelopes quicker than i could grab photo's of them...6 got away! along with my favourite lol she is at school right now but had asked me to post these for her. She is making more tonight and wants to post them herself....we hope you like what she made so far xx

Saturday 5 December 2009

Alexis's card

Here is Alexis's card it was still wet but she wanted mom to take the picture so i could post it

It's a cracker!

Here is my project to give you an idea for the challenge i hope you like it i have also entered it into my mom's challenge at 'Lexi's Creations' for odd shaped cards

Morgan x

Monday 30 November 2009

Call out for more little crafters!

On Wednesday 2nd December my mom will be posting a challenge just for us little crafters and there will be a prize for the winner my mom is taking us shopping now to get it so i can take a photo I hope you will come and join us get messy!!

love Morgan xx

My first challenge

My very first challenge.

I made this card for the challenge on my moms blog 'Lexi's Creations' she let me be the junior designer this week and i had to make an odd shaped card! i am really proud of my card i hope you like it too